Cupid's Cup will hit you with a lovely surprise of Strawberry sweetness and White Chocolate. The key to this drink is it is cold, creamy and delightful to the taste buds, the blossom curls give an added texture of pure heaven. Serve this in a cute valentines day mug for a little twist and a slice of cake. A cute little drink that can be enjoyed by young ones too.
Sometimes you just don’t know who’s out there (in a good way – not a creepy watching through the hedge way). But if someone presented you with this treat we think you’d feel a little sweeter towards them. So not just for Valentines and Anniversaries; this one is great if you just broke something or have needed a bit of support and want the other person to know its appreciated or just because you know the one you love needs a moment to relax and simply feel cared about. But mix it up a bit, don’t only make it because you broke something!